Local Government in a Changing World
Between hierarchies and networks, between global neoliberalism and welfare state interventionism
A workshop of the IGU Commission on Geography of Governance
IPSA Research Committee #5 – Comparative Studies on Local Government and Politics
Local government transformation concerns territorial configurations, inter-governmental relations, finance, democratic participation, governance culture, and development strategies, the latter involving inter-municipal collaborations, and inter-sectoral partnerships. The fundamental challenges of local self-government have essentially remained unchanged for decades, perhaps centuries, but rapidly changing economic, political and technological contexts, the latest being the current global economic crisis, have continuously transformed policy agendas of the local state.
The workshop aims to bring together scholars engaged in the study of local government and local governance: geographers, including those engaged in the activities of the IGU commission on Geography of Governance, members of Research Committee #5 on comparative studies on local government and politics of the International Political Science Association, and scholars from other disciplines. We aim at a particular focus on cross-national perspectives, on assessments of the impact of economic and ideological transformations of the early 21st century on reform discourses, and on the implications of the above for prevailing theories of governance at the local and metropolitan/regional levels. The workshop also serves as a pre-conference to the main International Geographical Union (IGU) Regional Conference to be held in Tel Aviv on July 12-16 2010.